// $Id$ // // File: DReaction_factory_PipPimGamma.cc // Created: Tue Jul 18 15:08:52 EDT 2017 // Creator: reinhold (on Linux quine.hep.fiu.edu 2.6.32-642.6.2.el6.x86_64 x86_64) // #include "DReaction_factory_PipPimGamma.h" //------------------ // brun //------------------ jerror_t DReaction_factory_PipPimGamma::brun(JEventLoop* locEventLoop, int32_t locRunNumber) { vector locBeamPeriodVector; locEventLoop->GetCalib("PHOTON_BEAM/RF/beam_period", locBeamPeriodVector); dBeamBunchPeriod = locBeamPeriodVector[0]; return NOERROR; } //------------------ // evnt //------------------ jerror_t DReaction_factory_PipPimGamma::evnt(JEventLoop* locEventLoop, uint64_t locEventNumber) { // Make as many DReaction objects as desired DReactionStep* locReactionStep = NULL; DReaction* locReaction = NULL; //create with a unique name for each DReaction object. CANNOT (!) be "Thrown" // DOCUMENTATION: // ANALYSIS library: https://halldweb1.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/GlueX_Analysis_Software // DReaction factory: https://halldweb1.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Analysis_DReaction /************************************************** PipPimGamma Reaction Definition *************************************************/ locReaction = new DReaction("PipPimGamma"); //* //Required: DReactionSteps to specify the channel and decay chain you want to study //Particles are of type Particle_t, an enum defined in sim-recon/src/libraries/include/particleType.h //Example: g, p -> pi+, pi-, pi0, (p) locReactionStep = new DReactionStep(); locReactionStep->Set_InitialParticleID(Gamma); locReactionStep->Set_TargetParticleID(Proton); locReactionStep->Add_FinalParticleID(PiPlus); locReactionStep->Add_FinalParticleID(PiMinus); locReactionStep->Add_FinalParticleID(Gamma); locReactionStep->Add_FinalParticleID(Proton, false); //true: proton missing locReaction->Add_ReactionStep(locReactionStep); dReactionStepPool.push_back(locReactionStep); //register so will be deleted later: prevent memory leak //Example: pi0 -> g, g // locReactionStep = new DReactionStep(); //locReactionStep->Set_InitialParticleID(Pi0); //locReactionStep->Add_FinalParticleID(Gamma); //locReactionStep->Add_FinalParticleID(Gamma); //locReactionStep->Set_KinFitConstrainInitMassFlag(false); //default: true //ignored if p4 not fit or is beam //phi, omega not constrained regardless //locReaction->Add_ReactionStep(locReactionStep); //dReactionStepPool.push_back(locReactionStep); //register so will be deleted later: prevent memory leak //*/ /**************************************************** PipPimGamma Control Settings ****************************************************/ // Highly Recommended: Set EventStore skim query (use with "eventstore" source) // This will skip creating particle combos for events that aren't in the skims you list // Query should be comma-separated list of skims to boolean-AND together //locReaction->Set_EventStoreSkims("myskim1,myskim2,myskim3"); //boolean-AND of skims // Recommended: Type of kinematic fit to perform (default is d_NoFit) //fit types are of type DKinFitType, an enum defined in sim-recon/src/libraries/ANALYSIS/DReaction.h //Options: d_NoFit (default), d_P4Fit, d_VertexFit, d_P4AndVertexFit //P4 fits automatically constrain decaying particle masses, unless they are manually disabled locReaction->Set_KinFitType(d_P4AndVertexFit); // Highly Recommended: When generating particle combinations, reject all beam photons that match to a different RF bunch locReaction->Set_MaxPhotonRFDeltaT(0.5*dBeamBunchPeriod); //should be minimum cut value // Optional: When generating particle combinations, reject all photon candidates with a PID confidence level < 5.73303E-7 (+/- 5-sigma) // Make sure PID errors are calculated correctly before using. //locReaction->Set_MinPhotonPIDFOM(5.73303E-7); // Optional: When generating particle combinations, reject all charged track candidates with a PID confidence level < 5.73303E-7 (+/- 5-sigma) // Make sure PID errors are calculated correctly before using. //locReaction->Set_MinChargedPIDFOM(5.73303E-7); // Highly Recommended: Cut on number of extra "good" tracks. "Good" tracks are ones that survive the "PreSelect" (or user custom) factory. // Important: Keep cut large: Can have many ghost and accidental tracks that look "good" locReaction->Set_MaxExtraGoodTracks(4); // Highly Recommended: Enable ROOT TTree output for this DReaction // string is file name (must end in ".root"!!): doen't need to be unique, feel free to change locReaction->Enable_TTreeOutput("tree_PipPimGamma.root", false); //true/false: do/don't save unused hypotheses /************************************************** PipPimGamma Pre-Combo Custom Cuts *************************************************/ // Highly Recommended: Very loose invariant mass cuts, applied during DParticleComboBlueprint construction // Example: pi0 -> g, g cut // locReaction->Set_InvariantMassCut(Pi0, 0.0, 0.3); // Highly Recommended: Very loose DAnalysisAction cuts, applied just after creating the combination (before saving it) // Example: Missing mass of proton // locReaction->Add_ComboPreSelectionAction(new DCutAction_MissingMass(locReaction, false, 0.7, 1.2)); /**************************************************** PipPimGamma Analysis Actions ****************************************************/ //* // Recommended: Analysis actions automatically performed by the DAnalysisResults factories to histogram useful quantities. //These actions are executed sequentially, and are executed on each surviving (non-cut) particle combination //Pre-defined actions can be found in ANALYSIS/DHistogramActions_*.h and ANALYSIS/DCutActions.h //If a histogram action is repeated, it should be created with a unique name (string) to distinguish them // HISTOGRAM PID locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_PID(locReaction)); // CUT PID // SYS_TOF, SYS_BCAL, SYS_FCAL, ...: DetectorSystem_t: Defined in libraries/include/GlueX.h // locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DCutAction_EachPIDFOM(locReaction, 5.73303E-7)); // locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DCutAction_PIDDeltaT(locReaction, false, 1.0, Proton, SYS_TOF)); //cut at delta-t +/- 1.0 //false: measured data // locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DCutAction_PIDTimingBeta(locReaction, 0.0, 0.9, Neutron, SYS_BCAL)); //min/max beta cut for neutrons // locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DCutAction_NoPIDHit(locReaction, KPlus)); //for K+ candidates, cut tracks with no PID hit // HISTOGRAM MASSES //false/true: measured/kinfit data //locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, Pi0, false, 600, 0.0, 0.3, "Pi0_PreKinFit")); locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_MissingMassSquared(locReaction, false, 1000, -0.1, 0.1, "PreKinFit")); // KINEMATIC FIT locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_KinFitResults(locReaction, 0.05)); //5% confidence level cut on pull histograms only locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DCutAction_KinFitFOM(locReaction, 0.0)); //0% confidence level cut //require kinematic fit converges // HISTOGRAM MASSES //false/true: measured/kinfit data //locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_InvariantMass(locReaction, Pi0, false, 600, 0.0, 0.3, "Pi0_PostKinFit")); locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_MissingMassSquared(locReaction, false, 1000, -0.1, 0.1, "PostKinFit")); // Kinematics locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_ParticleComboKinematics(locReaction, false)); //false: measured data // locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_ParticleComboKinematics(locReaction, true, "KinFit")); //true: kinematic-fit data locReaction->Add_AnalysisAction(new DHistogramAction_TrackVertexComparison(locReaction)); //*/ _data.push_back(locReaction); //Register the DReaction with the factory return NOERROR; } //------------------ // fini //------------------ jerror_t DReaction_factory_PipPimGamma::fini(void) { for(size_t loc_i = 0; loc_i < dReactionStepPool.size(); ++loc_i) delete dReactionStepPool[loc_i]; //cleanup memory return NOERROR; }