# Key/value pairs are separated by white space # Lines starting with # and empty lines are ignored # Only the first two values are evaluated, so for lines like: # KEYVALUE VALUE1 VALUE2 # VALUE2 is ignored # For files & directories: Must specify full path # SCICOMP JOB ACCOUNTING PROJECT gluex # http://scicomp.jlab.org/scicomp/#/projects TRACK analysis # https://scicomp.jlab.org/docs/batch_job_tracks OS general # JOB RESOURCES NCORES 1 DISK 50GB RAM 2GB TIMELIMIT 1hrs # WORKFLOW DEFINITION WORKFLOW analysis_2016-02_kmkp_ver01 # MUST start with a letter! # JOB, SCRIPT CONTROL ENVFILE /home/pmatt/env_gluex_analysis.sh SCRIPTFILE /home/pmatt/builds/scripts/monitoring/root_analysis/script.sh #CACHE_PIN_DAYS 21 # max is 60, 0 or comment-out for none # ROOT CONFIG ROOT_SCRIPT /home/pmatt/builds/scripts/monitoring/root_analysis/Run_Selector.C TREE_NAME kmkp_Tree SELECTOR_NAME /home/pmatt/builds/home/analysis/pmatt/selectors_analysis/DSelector_2kp # Leave .C off of the end! # FILE INPUT, OUTPUT BASE DIRECTORIES INDATA_TOPDIR /cache/halld/home/pmatt/analysis_spring2016/ver05/tree_kmkp/ # FILE OUTPUT OUTDIR_LARGE /volatile/halld/home/pmatt/analysis/kmkp_ver01/ # REST, hist OUTDIR_SMALL /volatile/halld/home/pmatt/analysis/kmkp_ver01/ # log