/* * Event.h * * Created on: Aug 1, 2012 * Author: yqiang */ #ifndef EVENT_H_ #define EVENT_H_ #include #include #include #include #include "Particle.h" #include "RichHit.h" #include "CereHit.h" #include "RichTruthHit.h" // Maximum number of particles of a given type #define MAX_PART 10 #define MAX_CERE_HIT 100 #define MAX_RICH_HIT 5000 #define MAX_RICHTRUTH_HIT 100 class Event: public TObject { public: Event(); ~Event(); void Clear(); int event; UInt_t Npip; UInt_t Npim; UInt_t NKp; UInt_t NKm; UInt_t Nproton; UInt_t Nphoton; UInt_t Nneutron; UInt_t Nelectron; UInt_t Npositron; UInt_t Nrichhit; UInt_t Ncerehit; UInt_t Nrichtruthhit; TClonesArray *pip; TClonesArray *pim; TClonesArray *Kp; TClonesArray *Km; TClonesArray *proton; TClonesArray *photon; TClonesArray *neutron; TClonesArray *electron; TClonesArray *positron; TClonesArray *richhit; TClonesArray *cerehit; TClonesArray *richtruthhit; TLorentzVector target; // Initial state target momentum TLorentzVector beam; // Initial state target beam photon momentum TVector3 vertex; // Vertex position TLorentzVector W;// Final state 4-momentum of everything *except* the proton(s) bool all_fiducial; // True if the following four are true private: ClassDef(Event,1) ; }; #endif /* EVENT_H_ */