C C--- Flags to control the job C C INTEGER MXPGEANT,MXPKC PARAMETER (MXPGEANT=1000,MXPKC=1000) C COMMON/PHCTRL/ NEVENT,RUNNO,EPH_LIM(2),EELEC,EPEAK,ZCOLL,EPYMIN,ELOWMIN + ,DCOLL,EEMIT,RADT + ,IWROUT(3),LUNWR(3),IRND_SEQ,NPRIEV + ,IDBEAM,NHBEA + ,IFPYTH + ,IDLOWEN + ,IPLUND(MXPGEANT),IDECLUND(MXPGEANT) + ,KCGEAN(-MXPKC:MXPKC) + ,RATESEC + ,VERTEX(3) INTEGER NEVENT ! number of events to simulate (F) + ,RUNNO ! run number to use + ,IWROUT ! (1)>0 - write out the HDDS file (events) (F) C (2)>0 - write out a sequential file C (3)>0 - write out an ntuple file + ,LUNWR ! (1) LUN for HDDS file C (2) LUN for the sequential file C (3) LUN for the ntuple file + ,IRND_SEQ ! the random number sequence (each integer number gives a different sequence) (F) + ,NPRIEV ! number of events to print + ,IDBEAM ! histogram ID for the beam (=0 - fixed energy) (F) + ,NHBEA ! number of bins in IDBEAM + ,IFPYTH ! PYTHIA is used + ,IDLOWEN ! <>0 - starting ID of histograms for the low energy generator INTEGER IPLUND ! PYTHIA particle codes (KF) + ,IDECLUND ! =0 - forbid the decays of this particle in PYTHIA INTEGER KCGEAN ! GEANT code for the PYTHIA internal code KC (with sign) REAL EPH_LIM ! limits on the photon beam energy GeV (F) + ,EELEC ! electron beam energy (F) + ,EPEAK ! energy of the coherent peak (the right edge) (F) + ,DCOLL ! collimator diameter (m) (F) + ,ZCOLL ! distance to the collimator (cm) (F) + ,EEMIT ! emittance of the electron beam (m rad) + ,RADT ! thickness of the diamond radiator (m) + ,EPYMIN ! minimal energy for PYTHIA, (F) C below that the low energy generator is used C the value may be adjusted to the bin boundary of IDBEA + ,ELOWMIN ! minimal energy for the low energy generator (F) + ,RATESEC ! reference interation rate (Hz), calculated + ,VERTEX ! Vertex set in HDDM output file (cm) n.b. 0,0,0 is the default which means hdgeant will use its default, 0,0,65 C