# 1. look at the usage message genr8 -h # 2. take a look at the input file less b1_pi.input # 3. generate 10 events with genr8 genr8 -Agenr8_output.txt -M10 < b1_pi.input # 4. take a look at the output file less genr8_output.txt # 5. look a the usage message from genr8_2_hddm genr8_2_hddm # 6. convert the text file to hddm format genr8_2_hddm -V"0 0 50 80" genr8_output.txt # 7. take a look at the header in the hddm file, note the binary event data at # the end less genr8_output.hddm # 8. take a look at the event data in the hddm file hddm-xml genr8_output.hddm | less