Purpose: - The purpose of this exercise is for users to combine everything they've learned to do a full DANA analysis. Data Files: - $GLUEX_DATA/session5b/dana_rest_skim_*.hddm (skimmed REST files of g, p -> K*0, K0, p; K*0 -> K+, pi-; K0 -> pi+, pi- generated signal data) Exercise: - Create a JANA plugin (using the "MakeReactionPlugin.pl" script linked in "Helpful Links") to: - Do a full analysis of the reaction: g, p -> K*0, K0, (p) K*0 -> K+, pi- K0 -> pi+, pi- - This entails: - performing a vertex-p4 kinematic fit - histogramming kinematics, pid, kinematic fit results, missing/invariant mass peaks using measured data before & after a cut on the kinematic fit result - cutting on the combined pid FOM & the kinematic fit FOM - filling the reaction-independent histograms (thrown & detected kinematics, track multiplicity, gen-recon comparison) - saving the results to an output ROOT TTree - NOTE: - The data provided in this exercise has already been skimmed (VERY loose cuts) to save execution time. - Suggestion: - You may want to run over a subset of the data first to test your cuts / ROOT output before running over the full sample. To do that, run with "-PEVENTS_TO_KEEP=10000" or some other semi-small number. - View the output histograms and TTree in ROOT: compare mass histograms before/after kinematic fit, etc. Helpful Links: - Workshop Wiki: https://halldweb1.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/July_2013_Tutorial - MakeReactionPlugin.pl: $ANALYSIS_SCRIPTS/MakeReactionPlugin.pl (in svn, located at: trunk/scripts/analysis/) - Run with no arguments for full usage instructions. Only the first argument is required though (plugin name). - particleType.h Source (DOxygen): http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/software/HDSoftware_Documentation/particle_type_8h-source.html - particleType.h Reference (DOxygen): http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/software/HDSoftware_Documentation/particle_type_8h.html - DHistogramActions.h Reference (DOxygen): http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/software/HDSoftware_Documentation/_d_histogram_actions_8h.html - DHistogramActions.h Source (DOxygen): http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/software/HDSoftware_Documentation/_d_histogram_actions_8h-source.html - DCutActions.h Reference (DOxygen): http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/software/HDSoftware_Documentation/_d_cut_actions_8h.html - DCutActions.h Source (DOxygen): http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/software/HDSoftware_Documentation/_d_cut_actions_8h-source.html - DReaction (DOxygen): http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/software/HDSoftware_Documentation/class_d_reaction.html - DParticleCombo (DOxygen): http://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/software/HDSoftware_Documentation/class_d_particle_combo.html - ROOT TTree Format: https://halldweb1.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Analysis_TTreeFormat - GlueX Libraries Source Code: on virtual machine at: $HALLD_HOME/src/libraries/