Requirements: A sample of events of the type gamma p -> pi+ pi- pi+ n that has been generated and reconstructed in the earlier stages of the analysis workshop. Three files are needed. threepi_data.root : the mock data after reconstruction and analysis threepi_gen.root : an MC sample generated flat in invariant mass with no physics threepi_acc.root : the MC sample above subjected to the same reconstruction and analysis as data These files (or symbolic links to them) must be in the directory containing this README file before proceeding. The goals of this example are: A. Perform a fit to extract the production amplitudes for several resonances starting with output data files. B. Use the AmpPlotter library to view projections of the fit <><><><><><><> Quick recipe for doing example <><><><><><><><> fit -c fit_3pi.cfg threepi_plotter <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ------------------------------------------------- A. Perform fit ------------------------------------------------- 1. In this fit we are simply going to try to fit for what was input to the the generator. We will perform a "mass dependent fit" under the assumption that the resonances in 3 pi are described by the simple Breit-Wigner shapes that we generated. The file fit_3pi.cfg is provided to configure the fit. Note the only difference between it and the gen_3pi.cfg file used to generate the sample is that the locations of the input and MC files are specified and one of the fit parameters is fixed to be real. (There is always an arbitrary overall phase when performing a fit that needs to be removed by fixing a parameter to be real.) Perform the fit by executing the command: fit -c fit_3pi.cfg You can examine the output on the screen. The results of the fit will be written to the file This file contains information about the configuration of the fit as well as the parameter values, covariances, and information about the convergence of MINUIT. ------------------------------------------------- C. View fit results using AmpPlotter GUI package ------------------------------------------------- 1. To view the results of the fit we will use the threepi_plotter application. The application generates plots of data and the Monte Carlo that has been weighted by the intensity determined by the fit. First examine the source code of threepi_plotter. The only relevant items are the definition of the PlotGenerator (in the example ThreePiPlotGenerator) and the registration of the amplitudes and data readers used in the fit. 2. The definition of ThreePiPlotGenerator can be found in the library AMPTOOLS_DATAIO. The source for this class specifies which 1D histograms to create and how to fill these histograms for a single event. It is useful to look at distributions that can be used to distinguish the various physics amplitudes like invariant masses and angles. 3. Start up the plotter GUI, passing in the fit results on the command line: threepi_plotter The GUI allows you to turn off and on amplitudes, select a projection and generate plots of data and/or MC. Access to both the accepted and generated MC is provided so the acceptance can be studied in the variables of interest.