Requirements: A sample of events of the type gamma p -> pi+ pi- pi+ n that has been generated and reconstructed in the earlier stages of the analysis workshop. Three files are needed. threepi_data.root : the mock data after reconstruction and analysis threepi_gen.root : an MC sample generated flat in invariant mass with no physics threepi_acc.root : the MC sample above subjected to the same reconstruction and analysis as data These files (or symbolic links to them) must be in the directory containing this README file before proceeding. The goals of this example are: A. Perform a fit to extract the production amplitudes as a function of M(pi+ pi- pi+) B. Collect results of multiple fits in a table and display the output <><><><><><><> Quick recipe for doing example <><><><><><><><> ./ cd threepi_fit/bin_10 fit -c bin_10.cfg -s ../param_init.cfg cd ../.. ./ plot_3pi -o threepi_fit.txt root -l drawWaves.C <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> ------------------------------------------------- A. Perform fit ------------------------------------------------- 1. We are intersted in extracting the production amplitudes as a function of M(pi+pi-pi+). For each of the produced resonances, we expect the production amplitudes to trace out Breit-Wigners as a function of M(pi+pi-pi+). (This is precisely the behavior we have generated with the configuration file gen_3pi.cfg.) In order to extract the production amplitudes as a function of resonance mass, we divide the data into bins of M(pi+pi-pi+) and then perform a fit in each bin. The parameters of this fit are related to the production amplitudes for the various resonances. A PERL script, which invokes the command line tool split_mass, is provided to do this division and organize the fits. Examine the variables at the top of to ensure they are correct. Then run ./ This should create a directory called threepi_fit and inside of this directory are (by default) 65 subdirectories spanning M(pi+pi-pi+) from 0.7 to 2.0 GeV/c^2. Note: The behavior of the fit, e.g., amplitudes in the fit, free parameters, input polarization, etc., is controlled by the template file. For fits with full polarization, the relevant file is threepi_pol_TEMPLATE.cfg. This file will be utilized by the script to generate configuration files in each of the bin directories. The default template is a good match to the generated gen_3pi.cfg file used above. It is instructive to examine and understand the differences in the amplitude structure in these two files. 2. A common practice is to seed the fit of one bin with the best fit values of the previous bin. Since parameters tend to be continusously varying this starts the fit off close to minimum. In order to do this we need a seed to start the process. One can simply go into any directory and do a fit and copy the fit output to seed file. The example below uses bin 10 for this: cd threepi_fit/bin_10 fit -c bin_10.cfg -s ../param_init.cfg cd .. The -s flag passed to fit tells the fit application to write out a "seed file" which is the parameter initialization of the configuration file. The seed file is only written if the fit was successful. This seed file can be included using the include command in the config file for the next fit. Now it is time to sequentially fit all bins. Check the variables at the top of the script. Then run: ./driveFit This will fit all bins and log the fit output to files in each directory. ------------------------------------------------- B. View fit results ------------------------------------------------- 1. The raw fit parameters are not particularly meaningful. One needs both the fit parameters and the integrals of the amplitudes over phase space to construct a quantity like the fit-predicted number of events for a particular amplitude. Because of this a simple C++ command line tool (, which utilizes the fitting framework, has been provided to generate a text file of meaningful numbers that can be passed into ROOT. Examine the source code of in the directory $HALLD_HOME/src/programs/AmplitudeAnalysis/Examples/threepi_binned Some important numbers and paths are hard-coded at the begining of main{}. In the body of the program note the correspondence between the amplitude names used in the function calls and those in the fit configuration file. (Again, this is hard-coded. It could for example be derived from a configuration file, or a GUI -- this is a simple specialized tool for quickly generating some numbers.) To generate a table of numbers run: plot_3pi -o threepi_fit.txt You can examine the file threepi_fit.txt -- for each bin of mass (left column) is listed the predicted number of generated events for each of the amplitudes along with the error on this number. The numbers of events listed have been corrected for acceptance based on the Monte-Carlo samples. 2. A ROOT script has been provided to read in this file and and make a plot. Execute the script by running: root -l drawWaves.C The plot that contains all waves is particularly interesting. It could, in principle, be compared to the M(pi+pi-pi+) mass distribution in the file threepi_data_gen.root