Class ArticlePointer

  extended by

public final class ArticlePointer
extends Object

This class is a structure used to return article number and unique id information extracted from an NNTP server reply. You will normally want this information when issuing a STAT command, implemented by selectArticle.

Daniel F. Savarese
See Also:

Field Summary
 String articleId
          The unique id of the referenced article, including the enclosing < and > symbols which are technically not part of the identifier, but are required by all NNTP commands taking an article id as an argument.
 int articleNumber
          The number of the referenced article.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public int articleNumber
The number of the referenced article.


public String articleId
The unique id of the referenced article, including the enclosing < and > symbols which are technically not part of the identifier, but are required by all NNTP commands taking an article id as an argument.

Constructor Detail


public ArticlePointer()

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